The Telegraph reports that “independent researcher and psychotherapist” Dr John Casson claims to have discovered Shakespeare's first published poem, first comedy, and first tragedies. Casson has just published his findings in a book, titled Enter Pursued by a Bear. In his book, Casson book also alleges that certain works attributed to Shakespeare were actually written by aristocrat Sir Henry Neville.
All six of those plays have been part of the "Shakespeare apocrypha" forever. They have not been considered to be among the stronger candidates for inclusion in the canon (except for the lost "Cardenio"). Among the apocryphal plays, "Edward III" has been accepted by Yale University Press and Oxford University Press as being a play that (like "Pericles," say) Shakespeare at least had a hand in. Eric Sams has put forward an interesting "stylometric" case for "Edmund Ironside."
Thanks for weighing in with your expertise, Patrick.
Like all apocrypha, the Shakespeare apocrypha constitute a fun area of study! The Wikipedia article on this, although very far from comprehensive, is an accessible place to start.
Interesting...thanks for sharing this bit of information
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