The Amazon listing for the pick says it’s a $23.99 hardcover with an ISBN of 978-0-316-08636-3. Publishers Lunch has this analysis:
[I]t's worth noting that Little, Brown prices very few of its hardcover titles at $23.99, which narrows the list of potential candidates considerably to the following books published between January 2008 and August 2009:
- Amigoland by Oscar Casares (August 10)
- Crow Planet: Essential Wisdom from the Urban Wilderness by Lyanda Lynn Haupt (July 27)
- This Wicked World by Richard Lange (June 30)
- Do Over! by Robin Hemley (May 11)
- The Man's Book: The Essential Guide for the Modern Man by Thomas Fink (May 6)
- Secrets to Happiness by Sarah Dunn (March 25)
- Eat, Drink and Be From Mississippi by Nanci Kincaid (January 6)
- The Book of Calamities: Five Questions About Suffering and Its Meaning by Peter Trachtenberg (August 27, 2008)
- The Bible Salesman by Clyde Edgerton (August 11, 2008)
- Undiscovered Country by Lin Enger (July 3, 2008)
- Say You're One of Them by Uwem Akpan (June 9, 2008, with trade pb published at $14.99 on July 15, 2009)
I've had this on my wish list for some time. But if Oprah picks it, so I still want it? Hmm...
Just curious, do you read a lot of the Oprah books? I used to, in the beginning, but I stopped after I saw that most of her choices were things that didn't really interest me. She tends to pick really dramatic novels, and after having read Songs in Ordinary Time at her suggestion, I totally gave up.
Sometimes I read an Oprah pick, but it's only by coincidence. I never read a book because it's an Oprah pick, but the books I decide to read have sometimes happened to be Oprah picks.
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