The Boston Globe ran a story recently about this “storybook season" we’re in the middle of consisting of “an unusually sumptuous feast for lovers of literary fiction.” Jane Jacobs, a book buyer for Porter Square Books comments, “I’ve been in business for 12 years, and I’ve never seen this many big-name authors publish in one season before.” Dana Brigham, co-owner of Brookline Books, says, “It’s the best fall we’ve seen in a long, long time for big [fiction] books.”
The Globe story optimistically wonders whether “[t]his season’s focus on quality fiction may ultimately say something profound about its commercial viability for years to come.” Let’s hope so.
Starting in early August, I've had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Moore, Trevor, Baker, Roth, Hornby and Doctorow and they're all as good as advertised. Munro and Irving are on the schedule this month. It has been a great fall so far.
I,too, have noticed a lot of big names are coming out with new releases this fall. I am so excited about some of these books, and am really looking forward to grabbing up some of the new titles. It's going to be a great reading season this year.
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